Skills &

Ages 8-12
La Jolla High School
Sunday, April 13 – Sunday, June 1
(No Class. Easter Sunday)
2:30-4:30 pm
Skills Fee: $250
Sunday Skills is designed for intermediate/advanced players. The skills class will move at quicker pace then a traditional clinic.
Enhanced passing, dribbling and shooting fundamentals will be taught. Team concepts and defense drills will be a part of the skills class.
Team concepts will be applied to group scrimmages/games. Reinforcing the skills and concepts the kids are being taught.
Spring Clinics
Pee Wee Clinic
Ages 5-7 Years
Fridays, March 21-May 9
Pacific Beach Rec Center
4:15-5:15 pm
Clinic Fee: $250
New Basketball Included
Youth Clinic
Ages 8-12
Fridays, March 21-May 9
Pacific Beach Rec Center
5:30-7 pm
Clinic Fee: $250
New Basketball Included
Friday Clinics are designed for beginners/intermediate players. The basics of passing, dribbling and shooting fundamentals will be taught.
Summer Leagues
Pee Wees 5-7
Friday, June 6 at 4:30 pm
Practices: Pacific Beach/La Jolla
Games: Pacific Beach
Saturdays, July 12 – August 16
Boys Ages 8-10
Friday, June 13 at 5 pm
Practices: Pacific Beach
Games: Pacific Beach
Friday, July 11 through
Friday, August 22
Girls Ages 8-12
Draft/Evaluation’s: La Jolla HS
Sunday, June 8 at 10 am
Practices: La Jolla Rec
Games: La Jolla HS
Sunday, July 13 through
Sunday, August 24
League Fee: $305